Monday, October 6, 2014

Before You Get Dental Implants Consult a Newmarket Dental Professional

A consultation to plan your treatment should give you further information about dental implants around Newmarket. The dentist you consult with may not be the one to do the procedure, but his or her dental office may offer other dental implant treatments to extend the benefits of professional dental implants. Your dentist can also refer you to a specialist who can perform the implant surgery. The planning process prepares you with the type of implant you’ll need, as well as any additional procedures like bone grafts or extractions that might be needed to improve the procedure’s chances of success. A productive consultation with your dentist should also include an examination of your medical history and oral structure; whether a dental implant surgery is right for you or not, you can still obtain a comprehensive treatment plan that is suited to your specific condition.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Newmarket Dental Services: Urgent Root Canal to Address Abscess Pain

The root canal process starts with the dentist applying a local anesthetic. They place a rubber dam around the tooth to isolate it, and an opening is made in the tooth, wide enough for the dentist to reach the root canal system and remove the damaged central pulp. The dentist removes the pulp with the use of special instruments, then cleans the area using sodium hypochlorite or other disinfectants. After the canal has been cleaned, the dentist fills up the space and seals it. The tooth opening is sealed with a temporary or permanent filling, then capped with a crown to protect the tooth and the surrounding areas from further infection. If you think you require a root canal treatment in Aurora or anywhere in the York region, check out only Newmarket dental offices, such as the accessible dental office of Dr. Zofia Wojt.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Facts your Newmarket Dentist Knows: Detecting Signs of Oral Cancer

Some people from Newmarket or Aurora, as elsewhere, may not be aware of it, but they could already be exhibiting signs of oral or mouth cancer, and with a rate of about 1,000 deaths annually nationwide, this condition isn’t one to be put aside. As with any other type of cancer, vigilance is the key to pre-empt this disease, and with the help of your Newmarket dentist, you should be able to find a way to combat it. Never take a risk on cancer. If you think you may be suffering from the signs of oral cancer, call up your local dentist from Newmarket as soon as possible and get yourself screened.